Looking forward to the SPRING for outdoor exercise, but in the meantime we were invited for Christmas with my son Cordel Ammon “Lito,” his wife Diana and two cute grandchildren in the home they just built in Azle, Texas….so in two cars–Nephi’s and Mahana’s, we drove in caravan 1,150 miles to Azle, Texas.

LITO as I call him (from CordeLITO) is one hard working son I’m very proud of, working in the oil industry in Texas, and my personal chef while with them in Texas.

Mahana (from Valparaiso) with her two, Ryan and William, and Diana (from Coban) with her two, Rebeca and James

The day after we arrived, was Christmas and we gathered in the living/TV room, appropriately decorated with one of my rustic picture frames and a much loved High Uinta Mountain scene:
Triangle Mountain and Reconnaissance Lake, rival to Red Castle as the most beautiful outdoor scene in Utah!

Calen was the first to open one of the many envelopes I had prepared for the entire family, finding that for the first time since 2016 I had the energy to put together a much enlarged FAMILY BIRTHDAY CALENDAR for 2022-23, including a Family Photo Album. a booklet of 24 pages.

Nephi, with whom I traveled, checking out the gift I put together for my large family, now with at least 105 children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, the gift was the
with 24 pages of beautiful color photos of my wonderful Andersen Clan families….best I’ll insert a picture of it below that I had printed for all the family. You can see it by clicking on the link above and if interested download it to your computer.

The main theme was to celebrate 11 years of the ANNUAL ANDERSEN FAMILY LAKE POWELL REUNION, with all the group photos, plus most of the individual attendees, and then some historical photos of the Andersen and Morgan families when I was a child, along with photos of most of the rest in the family who have not been able to be at the Reunion, as well as the growing David & Terri Andersen family Reunion….they now having 21 grandchildren and a family reunion in New Mexico larger than the Lake Powell one….I’ll insert a picture of it below:

THE BIRTHDAY CALENDAR & FAMILY PHOTO ALBUM also has a tribute to those in the family who have passed on:
Michelle “Pepita,” Celestina, and Julie.

Here are my four grandchildren with us in Texas, all appropiately with color coded pijamas, Lito & Diana’s, James and Rebeca, and Mahana & Calen’s, Ryan and William.
But, sadly, we apparently picked up something quite contagious on the drive down, and so all of us from Utah started getting sick, beginning with me in the picture with my son, Lito.

So we packed up and returned to Utah…..eventually with 100% of us from Utah all getting the upper respiratory congestion, headaches, etc. we first thought to be a new strain of Covid-19, but on being tested that wasn’t it. I didn’t have any fever, except for slightly the first day, but with me it went on for a month, until I finally worked out a routine of supplements & Mucus Relief, that worked permitting me to breath freely with no wheezing for the first time in years, but I came out of it feeling at times like I’ve lost almost completely by balance, and extremely weak– seemingly having lost all the conditioning I had worked so hard at to come back from not being able to walk two years ago.

Coming out of the sickness I sometimes I needed my young GUARDIAN ANGEL all over again, and I’m finding ways to work on keeping my balance without any gadgets, and almost being able to walk a straight line and getting strong again…..
So, now for me back to the STAIRS, but not outside with the cold, rather inside at my Revere Health Clinic that has two floors….

……. but the stairs keep going up to a 3rd floor with locked door where the heating and air conditioning units are….but that gives me 3 flights of stairs, or 52 stairs up and 52 down for each repetition.

And from the 3rd floor looking down. So, as difficult as it has been, I’m still the same old stubborn guy who WON’T GIVE UP….EASILY, but I look forward to warmer weather as doing my exercise outdoor with fresh air and sunlight makes a big difference….

There were a couple of days recently above freezing so I did go outdoors, and my little GUARDIAN ANGEL went with to help me the first time or two. I’ll be outdoors whenever the weather is reasonable. To equal 2 repetitions of the 3 floors of stairs at the clinic I have to do 5 repetitions on the outdoor stairs. I’ve now increased to 10 repetitions or laps I think I called them before. I’m making progress…..and thrilled with my Mickey Mouse efforts…but, CONSIDERING HOW WEAK I FELT JUST A FEW DAYS AGO, I FEEL VERY BLESSED TO BE MAKING SUCH RAPID PROGRESS–that’s the way it goes for one who DOESN’T GIVE IN, NOR GIVE UP …… EASILY!
…….but I look forward to again working out in the foothills of Timpanogos, and then back to the wonderment of the HIGH UINTA MOUNTAINS and its unending VISIONS OF NATURE seen below in several of my rustic picture frames that I also look forward to making again soon.


….. is a Guide for adventuring in the Uintas, the 1st chapter is an 89 page guide to do an 856 MILE AUTO-LOOP TOUR OF THE UINTAS that shows them equal to or better than many National Parks.
Then follows 3 chapters that are GUIDES FOR HIKERS & BACKPACKERS–the ONLY BOOK WITH UPDATED INFO–including TOPOGRAPHICAL MAPS–of all the trailhead areas–WITH ROUTES, DISTANCES & LABELS —
All of the book is unique as it has springkled throughout the HISTORY, LEGENDS, the SURVIVAL STORIES OF THOSE WHO DIDN’T MAKE IT & WHY, plus my 8 SURVIVAL STORIES and WHY I’LL BACKPACK NEXT SUMMER IN MY 88th YEAR!
Plus a detailed……..APPENDIX , that among other things has the Anti-Aging Challenge writing that can GIVE YOU NEW LIFE & 14 page INDEX.
To get an online copy of this book, some have called THE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF THE UINTA MOUNTAINS, send me $20 (don’t be afraid of sending a $20 bill as we aren’t south of the border) along with your email address, and I will immediately email you the link to download the book with my permission to share once with a friend.
Send to: Cordell Andersen, 444 Elm St., American Fork, Utah 84003

JUST THIS WEEK THE FINAL, UPDATED & ENHANCED VERSION of The MAYA BOOK WAS PRINTED FOR ME AT COPYTEC COSTING ME $153.37, so I can now hold it in my hands and read it to constantly remind me HOW THE LORD BLESSED ME with being an instrument in his hands to do our darndest to help quite a few Mayans to “blossom!”
To download the book to your computer CLICK ON:
MAYA BOOK 1/31/2023
A lot of very good NEW INFORMATION about the details of the book are included in a description of the MAYA BOOK on the Guatemalan Foundation website: https://www.guatemalanfoundation.org/ I heartily suggest you go there and read the entire introduction.
You’ll notice in the INTRODUCTION to the BOOK on the website, INSPIRATION I RECEIVED AS TO WHAT I SHOULD DO WITH THE BOOK, which I have now done, on Monday, January 31st….I’ll insert a photo of a portion of that explanation….but go to the website to get the WHOLE STORY!

……….I was CRAZY, “laughed to scorn” as was the“idealistic dreamer” DON QUIJOTE DE LA MANCHA (or Ammon), Quijote arming himself and on his gallant steed (1966 Ford F-150), supported by his Squire, Sancho Panza (Maria & later, Maria Elena), “rode into hell”—in our case— “The Siberia of Central America,” FOR A HEAVENLY CAUSE…..to fight for the right and oppose all injustice and save lives with effective solutions! Eventually it was said we…..
NOTE: The quote from the Guatemalan Foundation website, mentions Leonard Arrington..LDS CHURCH HISTORIAN, who was the author of the book that was my GUIDE & MANUAL for working among the Mayans for most of my life with the pioneer principles that brought them from poverty & persectuion to PROSPERITY, best insert a picture below…..

As explained in my MAYA BOOK, page 346, this incredible book described in our history the God revealed principles of CONVERSION, GATHERING, COOPERATIVISM & EDUCATION among my pioneer ancestors that made them great–and we were applying them at Valparaiso that was studied by a sociologist from the National Electricity Institute in Guatemala, who concluded…..
…..yet strangely later criticized by one modern religious leader, page 318-322 , when I was warned to not use said principles or possibly be destroyed, but….at that time in 1977 when Arrington first contacted me, he had become briefly the CHURCH HISTORIAN for the LDS Church and we became good friends and he wanted to copy all my letter files and do an oral history, but I told him my LIFE HAD TO COME FULL CIRCLE FIRST…..which hasn’t happened yet but I was nonethless moved to take 5 years writing the 68 year history–MY MAYA BOOK. Leonard was the one who began to open up the Church archives some for the first time but sadly didn’t last very long. Now, will my MAYA BOOK be hidden in the archives? You can still get it on your computer clicking on:
MAYA BOOK 1/31/2023