Tie Hackers

These photo/essays and YouTube videos tell the story of America’s “unsung heroes,” THE TIE HACKERS, without whom the West wouldn’t have been won.  The first in 1867 were Irish immigrant lumbermen sent into the North Slope of the High Uintas, and other places, to work 12 months a year with their broad axes to make millions of railroad ties for the Continental Railroad making its way north of the Uintas in Wyoming. This early period of “tie hacks” ended in about 1880-90, which period has few official and first-hand historical records.  The second period is from 1912 to the late 1930’s when portable saw mills and motor transportation took over.  Most tie hacker sites have been found and photographed, but research and exploration will continue to finally have a pretty complete record for the Uinta’s part in this incredible history.

Enjoy this unbelievable and little known aspect of our history.

1.  The High Uinta’s Tie Hacker Heroes
2.   Trip #2–2009 Hot on the Trail of the Tie Hackers
3. NOTE:  Last portion on Tie Hacks..Trip #3-2010 Big Foot Country, Bear River, and the Tie Hacks
4.  Trip #3a-2010 Search for Beartown and the Howe Feeder Flume 
5.  Trip #3a-2010 The Search for Beartown  
6.  Trip #4-2010 NEVER GIVE UP–Find the Howe Feeder Flume
7.  Trip #6-2010 Search for the Mill City Ghost Town and Hilliard Flume8.  Trip #7-2010 Mill City Ghost Town Hoax-
9.  Trip #8-2010 Tie Hack Ghosts at Mill & McKenzie Creeks
10. Trip #5 YouTube videos from the “TIE HACKER TOUR”  
11. #2-2013 Backpack to MYSTERIOUS MIDDLE FK of BLACKS FK & BOB’S LAKE 
13. #5-2013 Part 1–TIE HACKS: Unsung American Heroes
14.#5-2013 Part 2–TIE HACKS:  Unsung American Heroes & new discoveries