….DUE TO the creation of BOOK #3…..actually NOW #5, and other OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES, I will now be using www.guatemalanfoundation.org with a system that makes doing a book possible. There you will see many options, like my lifetime among the Maya in Guatemala, but for my OUTDOOR & HIGH UINTA activities, choose there option #1 that will take you to these activities & CHAPTER 1 of the NEW BOOK entitled

So, go to: https://www.guatemalanfoundation.org/ and choose option #1. Three chapters of the VISIONS book are now available and by Christmas I hope to have all 5 chapters done to complete the online book. Eventually I will convert it to a printable book as I have done with all my books.

You will see at this website the availability, through AMAZON.com, of the High Uinta Mountains book now divided into two books as seen below:

The books are available in HARDCOVER or PAPERBACK, both large format so the many color photographs and maps will be of value for your hikes, backpacking, and/or Auto-loop tour of the High Uinta Mountains. Go to AMAZON.COM for all the details.


For many years it has been thought that Escalante and Dominguez were “the first white people to visit the Uinta Basin and see at a distance the High Uinta Mountains.”  But, history mentions they came north following “the old Spanish trail,”  which means 

it was a trail that already existed made previously by Spanish explorers….right?I relate the story in my HIGH UINTAS BOOK, regarding GOLD IN THE UINTAS and THE LOST RHODES MINE, how that happened as early as the mid 1500’s when Spaniards were the

 first white men to see the High Uintas! For “the rest of the story” and quotes how to find the gold, and even pictures of whole mountains of it, you’ll have to get GET MY BOOK, details below: 

THE HIGH UINTA MOUNTAINS BOOK, original book, of course has everything described below.


The first, HIGH ADVENTURE IN UTAH’S ALPINE WONDERLAND, has all the details necessary to plan and execute adventurous hikes and backpack adventures as it is the only book on the High Uintas that has up-to-date information about the lakes with color topographical maps showing the routes and distances to each lake, as well as being the only guide book that has HISTORY, LEGENDS, SURVIVAL STORIES of those who didn’t make it and why, plus MY OWN 8 SURVIVAL STORIES & why I’m still around in my late 80’s There is also a critical life and death Appendix on High Altitude Sickness.

The 2nd book, the AUTO-LOOP TOUR, in addition to having a complete guide with maps to do the adventurous 856 mile tour, also has an important chapter on….. LIGHTWEIGHT –JOYFUL & SAFE BACKPACKING that first explains WHY WE EXPLORE and even a section on why one outdoor expert called me on a BYU radio talk show a…..


And why BYU didn’t bleep out that seemingly naughty description! It also has all of the 15 Appendices from the original book with all kinds of additional information unique to this book, like  references to the High Uinta Project in Backpacker Magazine  and A full-page color spread color photo & article in TheSalt Lake Tribune,  plus

articles on: 


 Personal Locater Beacons, a 

Tie Hacker Museum in Wyoming

Another article about me  in Combat Handguns magazine

The Legend of Big & Little Foot,

The Central Utah Project

Visions of Nature, 

Mosaic of hundreds of High Uinta Friends,  

High Altitude Sickness, and

a big section with all my secrets on the AGING CHALLENGE, with  pictures below used in that story of my struggle to remain active and useful. Just for health and longevity purposes


Remember the Appendix 5 is in the Auto-loop Tour book from Amazon.


Bill does have a lot more hair than me, but also too much other stuff!Also a  14 page index.

Either of the two, in hardcover, or paperback, available on AMAZON.COM where you can see a large excerpt of each, including the Table of Contents, etc.


To acquire a digital copy of the 730 page ebook, send me $30 and your email address to: Cordell M. Andersen, 444 Elm St.American Fork, Utah 84003. On receipt of your order I will immediately email you a link to download the book to your computer along with my permission to share the link with one other friend.
For PRINT COPIES …..BEST GO TO AMAZON AND PURCHASE THE TWO NEW BOOKS. It will save you a lot of money compared to the original book in two volumes as seen above….but if for whatever reason you prefer the original the spiral version is the most practical as pages will remain open.  

I do not personally handle orders for print copies anymore as I did in the beginning for about 60 more than willing to pay big bucks to get it, but now suggest my favorite printer below.  Prices in the beginning were relatively low as I got a quantity discount for the 60 who were willing to pay almost anything, but prices have risen a lot, so you will have to talk to the printer….but for a single copy you can expect the cost  to be around $200.  They do excellent color reproduction with great paper.  Also they can do a black & white version that will cost about 1/3rd of what color will cost.  

Of course you can get it done at your favorite printer by taking to the printer a thumb drive with the book.  If you go to Office Max, remember my experience is that they printed all the pictures too dark, so give strict instructions to avoid that and get better color reproduction.  Best call COPYTEC.

But, as I have explained, BEST GO TO AMAZON.COM to get one or the other other, or both available there.


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