KEYS TO MY ENERGY: Great work at REAMS and economical nutrition and below CONTENT OF THIS WEBSITE

To be in shape and hopefully accomplish my aggressive schedule for 2011 I’ve walked and jogged 100 miles a month working at REAMS for the last 2 years.  Now will come the acid test to see whether it’s made me stronger, or worn out my titanium (“motorcycle”) knee and reconstructed (“football”) ankle!
The Springville REAMS  is at 759 E. 400 So. For the details about where I get my energy, go to:  ENERGY

Keep REAMS alive and show them our gratitude for them giving me a 3 month leave of absence to finish my High Uintas Project.  You’ll love shopping at the BEST!

Click on this link for:   2011 BACKPACKING SCHEDULE  with topographical route maps and elevation profiles.
Go to ARTICLES for all photo essays or click on item of interest below:
Go to GALLERIES for:
 2008 Trips — 2009 Trips
SLIDESHOWS: With narration and background music

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