MADE IT!….1st 2013 Backpack–Warmup in THE GRANDADDIES

BACKPACK #2 Middle Fork of Blacks Fork
I will likely be on the trail by Wednesday, June 26, and first be mapping and photographing all Tie Hack sites, each with SPOT OK, and hopefully by Friday or Saturday, hike up to above timberline Bob’s Lake and then explore two other small lakes in the drainage.  I will then move on to Backpack #3 and advise.


  Here’s the report,  with a YouTube video

BACKPACK #1 – The Grandaddies, Palisades Lake, 
and an Introduction to
The Most Unique Museum West of the Mississippi


Scroll down for the previous post:

1st  2013 BACKPACK –Warm-up in THE GRANDADDIES

On Wednesday, June 12th, a Wilderness trail crew will head up the Hades Canyon trail.  I’ll give them one day to clear fallen timber from my path and head up the trail on the 13th.  The road up Hades Canyon is open to the Grandview Trailhead.  No word on conditions but the word is out that we are in for the driest season in 10 years, and so the trail should be passable, even though perhaps a bit wet.  
 In 2007 I made my first trip to the Grandaddies on about June 15th, and it was dry and dusty.  That trip was made with my “football ankle” reconstructed and held together with 3 screws and a tendon transplant.  This time I’ll be doing it with a new titanium hip–done 2 months ago, but now without pain anywhere for the first time in 30 years!  I’m excited to say the least to be doing this in my 78th year, when just a few short months ago I was resigning myself to be a cripple.
I’m planning on 4-5 days my objectives being:  The native cutthroat spawn on the west side of Grandaddy Lake, and Palisades, Lost and Powell Lakes.

4 Replies to “MADE IT!….1st 2013 Backpack–Warmup in THE GRANDADDIES”

  1. I am also excited to see your report. I've never been to the Uintas. Most of my time is spent in Logan canyon but I would love to go there one day.

  2. Cordell, it was great to run into you up in the Uintas last summer. It just makes me feel good to know that you are still out there, hiking around. Here's to many more journeys!

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