Trip #5 – UINTA RIVER TRAILHEAD – Pippen, Krebs, Chain and Oke Doke Lakes, Roberts Pass, B029, Carrot, Allen, Allred, Roberts, Atwood, U-19, U-22, George Beard Lakes, Trail Rider Pass, Beard, U-75, U-76, Milk, Gilbert, U-79, Verlie, Rainbow, 4 no-name, Davis 1,2 Lakes, North Park, 4 Painter Lakes, to trailhead.  31 lakes, 78 miles, 8-10 days. This map was also too large to work well here, but you’ll get the general idea. I’ve divided it into 6 parts for better viewing, the last map comes first, so best scroll down and then follow the trail up.

 Below last map

Map 6-
Painter Lakes Basin and down Uinta River trail

Map 5 –
Rainbow Lake Basin, Davis Lakes

Map 4 –
U-74, Milk Lakes, Gilbert Creek Basin

Map 3 – 
Roberts Pass-B-29, Carrot, Allens, Allred, Robets, Atwood Lakes, George Beard Basin, Trail Rider Pass, Beard Lake, U-75, U-74 Lakes.

Map 2- 
Krebs Basin-Chain Lakes-Oke Doke Lake
Map 1 –  Uinta River Trailhead
Below is an overall map of the area of the  backpack.

One Reply to “Trip #5-2014-15 UINTA RIVER DRAINAGE”

  1. Hi Cordell.

    It sure has been fun following you and your trips. I've been a follower for a couple of years. A friend and I would like to meet up with you on trip#5 starting at the u-bar ranch. When do you think you would be doing that trip? We have been in a lot of that area about 8 years ago and just loved it.

    I have a basic web site that I've started and beginning to log all of the trips that I have made over the years. I have been to many of the trips that you have been on, but my biggest regrets have been not having a good camera or taking enough pictures, and not logging my trip details in a journal.

    Norm Bagley

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