What now?…..CROW BASIN and the Pioneer “YEEHAW TRAIL!”


On Thursday, August 1st, at NOON  I will be speaking at the monthly meeting of the Wyoming Historical Society at the County Museum in Evanston on:
“The TIE HACKERS:  Unsung American Heroes without whom the West might not have been won!”

 Then do research at Dubois, Lonetree, Burntfork, the Site of the 1st Mountain Man Rendezvous on the High Uinta’s Henrys Fk., then on to Manila and to the South Slope of the High Uintas in Vernal and the Uinta Basin.
Click here if you want to follow me…Spot Tracker Trail


Thankfully I withstood the “ACID TEST” and had one great backpack in the High Uintas Wilderness, now having explored all the drainages.  In my mind I did it in honor of the Utah Pioneers–for July 24th, and especially my great-grandmother, Alice Brooks (Andersen), survivor of the Martin Handcart Company.  As it worked out it was this  incredibly faithful and courageous 21 year old, and companions, who inspired me, in my 78th year,  to  
“NOT GIVE IN,”  rather pass the test and finally make it to CROW  BASIN.

This “historic YouTube video” is the CORRECTED, IMPROVED and ENHANCED version.

MUCH WAS EXPERIENCED,  and MUCH WAS LEARNED ENRICHING MY LIFE and I believe my YouTube video report will be WORTHWHILE FOR ALL–and you will meet 4 new HIGH UINTA FRIENDS.

For more information and great photographs of CROW  BASIN, plus some very valid opinions of one of the new High Unta Friends, Darren McMichael, go to his website at: http://www.outdooradventuresutah.com/

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