Rusty Swenson’s Report–Survival YouTube Video–KSL OUTDOORS Podcast–Swasey Hole info.–New Trip

Click on highlighted link to see Rusty Swenson’s report, photos and video entitled: 

Listen to KSL OUTDOORS RADIO podcast from Sat. July 30-Cordell’s participation at about 49:45
See what happened to this “old mountain man” and what made survival possible.,

YouTube chose the cover photo of Joe Pratt and son, Carter, new High Uinta Friends. 
NOTE:  I removed this video from its previous channel, and uploaded it to the “quijote 1936” one where all my other videos are.  Previously it had 139 viewers.
I had posted here for a while that I would be leaving today (Friday) for the North Slope doing more investigation and exploration on “my heroes” the Tie Hackers, but I’m still experiencing a little health problem from the above described survival experience.   So I’ll wait a day or two and hit it next week–when I can also get up to the Library in Evanston and the Union Pacific Railroad seeking original sources on the early Tie Hacker period (1867-1880).  That will give a little time for the mosquitoes to calm down a bit so I can hit the last drainage never visited yet–The Dry Gulch Drainage and Crow Canyon, which I will do even if the jeep road is still bad–I’ll just hike a few extra miles.  
Along those lines of hiking a bit extra, in all the above survival experience, thanks to the Lord, my legs were strong and never even trembled when fatigued, and no balance and agility problems either.   My heart, that has given me fits a time or two (as described in some of my Survival experiences), never showed any signs of weakness–so I’M GOOD TO GO STILL!
Check out my article on ENERGY that has all the links to the supplements that give us new life!

I wanted to give you all a bit of historical info on the area, more than me just saying it’s a “sucking hole that I had a hard time getting out of!”  The book, UTAH PLACE NAMES  didn’t even list it.  Google just gave me map locations.  Finally on BING I got a useful hit that described the name coming from a fellow named Swasey who apparently worked for the Fish and Game carrying fingerlings in milk cans on mule back to create great fishing in our Uintas.  Go to the link and meet his great-grandson:

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