Steve Anderton’s Report on Hades Canyon and the Grandaddies

July 7, 2011
The following email was received on July 6th and published here with permission from Steve, along with a few photos –Thanks, Steve.

Subject: RE: THANKS– WOW–It Got Complicated!
Date: Wed, 6 Jul 2011 19:37:30 -0600
Hi Cordell – just read on your web page that you are waiting for an update on the Granddaddy Basin…
Contrary to my best judgment, I went ahead and did my day-hike last Friday. I can report that we were able to drive to the trailhead no problem… the snow slide had melted back enough to not cause any issues.
I have attached a few pictures of what we found. We hiked all the way to Hades Pass (My daughter and I). We stopped there because my daughters feet were soaked (hiking in running shoes…). But my brother-in-law and nephew went on to the shores of Granddaddy Lake. They said there was some  open water at Granddaddy, but mostly still iced over.
The trail was good until it topped off after the first mile of climbing – then we were hiking in unbroken snow (2-3 feet deep) all the way to the pass. The snow was very compacted and crusted, so we weren’t post-holing…but still tough walking. The first stream crossing was tough…the bridge had about 4 inches of icy cold water cascading over it…and we found no other way to cross beyond wading!
It was melting VERY fast, so you might find a completely different scene by tomorrow?
Your friend,
 The North Fork of the Duchesne River near Defai’s Dude Ranch
Lots of parking available at the Grandview Trailhead 

 The first obstacle for our day hike.

Drying wet feet near Hades Pass.
Looking from Hades Pass towards Heart Lake.


Today, Thursday  July 7th, I will leave for the Grandaddy Basin and hope to report on KSL OUTDOORS this coming Saturday morning.

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