Trip #2 Search for the GOLDEN TROUT

Trip #2 July 2-4 Murdock Basin Road—Search for the Golden Trout—Echo, Joan, Blizzard and Gem Lakes. PURPOSES: Friends Dean Mitchell and Roger Wilson at the DWR informed me there are Golden trout in the area. Need to catch , photograph and display on my website this most colorful of trout. It is out of the Wilderness area, but very important. Fri- Sun =..3 days……………………………………..6 miles

Remember, if you are interested you can track me on the SPOT Messenger website at: SPOT TRACKING  10 of you will receive Check-in messages via email once or twice a day and can click on the link to go to Google Earth seeing exactly where I am.  Each of you can forward this to others who might be interested.

You can also listen to KSL OUTDOORS RADIO Saturday morning from 6:05 to 8:00 a.m.  My time slot is about 6:35 a.m. if I get a good signal on the satellite phone.  Of course you can listen online at:  KSL ONLINE

The bulletin board at REAMS SUPERMARKET has a related sign up you see below:

NOTE:  Due to the economic situation and my work I have had to make some shifts in my summer backpacking schedule.  I will post the updated schedule next week once I return from my “SEARCH FOR THE GOLDEN TROUT.”  But if all goes well, I will always be at some exotic location each Saturday for KSL OUTDOORS until the end of August

See you on the trail!.

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