Uinta South Slope Trail conditions – May 26th

From: Harper, Sheila L -FS 
 Tuesday, May 26, 2015 9:20 AM
 Trail Conditions
Here is an update on trail conditions:
·         The Yellowstone (# 057) is cleared of downed trees until you reach the Bluebell Pass turn off. Trails are very wet above the Garfield Basin turn off; expect snow on the ground above 9500 feet or higher. River crossings are moderate to high.
·         Uinta Canyon Trail (# 044) is cleared until 1.5 miles past the wilderness boundary. Anything above 10,000 feet is snow covered with rivers running moderate to high.
·         Chain Lakes trail (# 043) is cleared to the wilderness boundary. Trails are dry but snow is visible around the chain lakes area.
·         Rock Creek trail (# 069) is now open and the rock scaling is complete. This trail is cleared 4 miles past the wilderness boundary.
·         The road that leads to the Grandaddy TH is still closed. This area has received a lot of snow the past couple of weeks.
All other trail conditions are unknown, but I would expect the trail conditions are about the same, with rivers running moderate to high and snow above 9500 feet.

Sheila Harper 
Customer Service Representative
Forest Service
Ashley Nation Forest, Roosevelt/Duchesne Ranger District
p: 435-738-2482 
f: 435-781-5215
Po Box 981
85 West Main Street
Duchesne, UT 84021
Caring for the land and serving people

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