YouTube video #6-2013 BIG FOOT up Little East Fork?

The Last Backpack?… give BIG FOOT one more chance to find me to take his “Family Portrait.”

From August 13-17 I accomplished this backpack up mysterious Little East Fork of Blacks Fork, up over 11,742 foot high Squaw Pass and down to Oweep Basin’s 11,300 ft. high Porcupine Lake where I caught the most colorful Eastern brook trout I have ever caught. Slow acclimatization to the alpine elevations–that has become a problem I have had to work patiently with in my 78th year, had me taking longer (3 days) than hoped for to get to Porcupine Lake.   This forced me to forget my plan of continuing over Porcupine Pass to test the waters of 3 no-name lakes in the upper Garfield Basin. Likewise I had to cancel my plan of going in  the other direction to Crater Lake.  Thus, the decision to go back over Squaw Pass and down Little East Fork with the idea of giving BIG FOOT another chance to find me. This resulted in two incredible BIG FOOT related experiences shown in this YouTube video.  ENJOY!
NOTE:  Going alone had me taking all the following precautions:  (1.) Topo map and route posted on my website;  (2.) Using daily my SPOT Tracker so all would know I was alright and exactly where I was on Google Earth;  (3.) Having a SKYCALL satellite phone for emergencies and for reporting in on KSL Outdoor Radio;  (4.) Carrying all the stuff needed for “old guy”  emergencies, even to suture and treat a  wound and more;  and (5.) always hiking with great caution realizing I couldn’t afford to take a mis-step or make a mistake!

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