YouTube video: PREPARE FOR BACKPACKING, D-DAY, Into the Wilderness, SPOT Tracker link….

UPDATE June 23, 2015:  I achieved my purposes on the Grandaddy Trip getting to the last remote lake & others completing my photo collection of all the lakes in the Basin, and meeting many new wonderful High Uinta Friends….plus having one of those amazing survival experiences and of course photographing many new VISIONS OF NATURE I want to share with all.   
I’ll be working on for me an “epic” photo/essay (& then YouTube video) combining the trip with a documentary including all the lakes which I’ll entitle….. 
Note:  Be patient it will take me a few days….remember my excuse….
…..”I’m an old geezer in my 80th year with top speed… my ‘stalking pace!'”
June 6th “D-DAY”
I had to do my part celebrating this incredible day–and the GREAT INVASION AT NORMANDY..
..without it and its success the world today would likely be a very different place!
  Thanks for those incredible heroes…..and since I’ll be now disappearing  (another “D-day”) from civilization for nearly a month…had to do my part to celebrate….
For all previous posts CLICK ON:  

D-day (“Departure day”)
I think I’ve got taken care of all the loose ends to be gone until June 30th, and will leave today (Sat. June 6th) for the Mirror Lake Scenic Byway and Bald Mt. Pass or the parking lot of the Highline Trailhead–likely alternating back and forth for a week to acclimatize my old ( but  hopefully “youthfull”) body to high altitudes, as that has been a problem in recent years at the beginning of the backpacking season.
I will hit my SPOT Tracker when leaving American Fork, and tonight wherever I get to with my tiny travel trailer, and maybe another time or two, until
June 11th when I will leave for the Grandview Trailhead to see some friends I haven’t seen in more than 50 years.
In that area I will go to where I can have internet access, in Hanna or Tabiona, and program my Tracker for my first backpack.  If conditions are right that will be into the Grandaddy Basin.  If not, further east where there was less snowfall.
If interested click here:   SPOT LINK 

My first satellite phone call report to KSL OUTDOORS RADIO will be June 13 from somewhere..between 6:05-8:00 AM…likely after the news at 7:00.

In the background from the left:  Mt. Baldy, Hayden Peak, Mt. Agassiz, Spread Eagle Mountain, etc.

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