Rusty Swenson’s Trip: Solitude in the Uintas

NOTE:  The following email message was received from “High Uintas Friend”  Rusty Swenson and reproduced here with his permission– with his photos interspersed, ending with a short 360 degree video from Rocky Sea Pass.


Thanks for all of the information that you’ve provided on your website.  It has made trip planning much easier.  I didn’t end up in Four Lakes Basin as planned, I visited the area and found crowds of noisy people back there and had no interest in camping with them.  I decided 
to head up over Rocky Sea Pass for the first time to try my luck in the Upper Rock Creek area.
Looking east from Rocky Sea Pass
Looking east  with Explorer Peak showing on the left center–and snow bank showing that you have to navigate to switchback down into the Rock Creek Drainage.

I took a trip to the Upper Rock Creek area this week, just got back today.  I was surprised at how quiet the area was, as I didn’t see a soul for two days while beyond Rocky Sea Pass.

 Looking west from Rocky Sea Pass with Mt. Baldy in the distant left center, and Mt. Agassiz on the right               

View from Rocky Sea Pass looking towards Hades Pass in left center and West Grandaddy Mt. in the center.
 I camped at Black Lake both nights, where the fishing was fast for Brookies and Cuts.  Friday, I took a side trip up to Lightning and Helen lake where there was still a good amount of snow.  I couldn’t find any rising fish at either, but was able to catch a few at Helen with some metal lures.  I made a post to a fishing forum if you want to see any more details,;forum_view=forum_view_collapsed;page=unread#unread

Thanks again,

Your friend
Rusty Swenson

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